Home Stay

The Homestay Program is intended to give visiting foreign students a first-hand experience of American culture by sharing with their host family in everyday life. As well as being able to use practical English language skills they have learned in school, it is expected that students will be able to participate in family activities.

The staff at our English language school in San Luis Obispo helps arrange all home stay opportunities. We have a great group of host families that are eager to invite you into their homes. San Luis Obispo is well served by public transportation and our safe and welcoming community will embrace you with open arms.

Student Housing

Our school has a great network of student housing projects designed for the local college-aged students. Students can be fitted with single accommodations or with other students, if they so choose. Please visit the following wesites for more info on student housing options.

  • >http://www.livemustangvillage.com
  • http://www.stennerglen.com
  • http://www.valenciaapartments.com


If you desire a more private living situation, our school in San Luis Obispo has a wide variety of local hotels that offer extended-stay opportunities.

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English School: Enrollment

Activities in San Luis Obispo, USA

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Accommodations in San Luis Obispo

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